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Following The object was designed by us

Interior design of the apartment in the style of Scandinavian minimalism.

Our next project is the interior design of an apartment in the style of Scandinavian minimalism. Scandinavian minimalism is a very interesting trend. Now it is one of the most popular in interior design. Light tones and simplicity, comfort and versatility, space and closeness to nature are increasingly attracting owners of apartments and houses.

Minimalism in the interior is characterized by:

1. Clear geometric shapes;
2. Discreet colors;
3. Simplicity of natural materials;
4. Large windows;
5. Free areas, which are formed due to built-in and functional furniture and association of rooms;
6. Hidden light sources.

This style emphasizes the restrained nature of the Scandinavians, who are characterized by calm, some coldness in the interior and closeness to nature.

The main features of Scandinavian minimalism

This style in our time is divided into two directions. The first refers to the ancient style that came to us from past centuries, when it was often used in and interiors of Swedish homes. It gives the room austerity, restraint and prosperity. In another direction, the style has developed with a modern multi-functional space. It is characterized by wide and open planning, plenty of light, lack of antique furniture and decor.

Basic rules and techniques for interior design in the style of Scandinavian minimalism:

1. Use of natural materials: wood and stones. The floor surface should be covered with parquet board or the simplest tile.
2. Furniture of Scandinavian minimalism is characterized by simplicity and comfort. They must be made of natural material.
3. Light warm tones with bright textiles. Upholstery should also be made of natural fabrics: linen or cotton.
4. A small stove or fireplace will fit perfectly into the Scandinavian style.
5. When decorating the room using wooden objects, ceramics, accessories made of clear glass.

The interior of the Scandinavian style should be made of materials of natural origin, which are not burdened with unnecessary details. The decor can be decorated with bright colors that will not catch the eye and distract from the main direction.

I would like to note that in the project we made a thorough redevelopment, which allowed to make this house more functional, comfortable and cozy. Our clients adore light tones, in which we decorated most of the interiors. Also in some rooms we added a few notes of black. The decor used original wallpaper, made to individual orders of our customers.

If the question "Who to turn to for the development of an interesting and original design?" Does not allow you to sleep peacefully, we will help you solve this problem.

You can see a more interesting design here and here


Total area: 180 м²

Design area: 180 м²

Number of living rooms: 9

Number of bathrooms: 3

Year of design: 2019

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