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Following The object was designed by us

The task of an architect is not only to design buildings, but also to create the space around it. Most people do not pay attention to how in a properly formed space we begin to feel better psychologically and physically, and recover faster. Therefore, the landscape design project is often an important part of the design. The territory around the house can both complement the architecture and spoil the impression of it. In this project, our task was to create a harmonious and stylish space in which customers would like to enjoy their time and relax.

Our specialists decided not to overload the space with unnecessary details, so the landscape design turned out to be quite minimalistic. When you leave the house on the terrace, you can see a continuous green area, sown with a lawn. In the very center is a composition of unhewn stones and conifers. Conifers and shrubs are the main plants on the site. Thuja and juniper trees are planted along the edges of the site.

Along the perimeter of the site, there is a path made of ceramic granite slabs arranged on decorative gravel. Planters with green plants are located near the path. This solution is more stylish and modern than ordinary flower beds. In order not to lose the feeling of natural space, the entrance to the garage is paved with gridded eco-paving.

Landscape design should "work" not only during the day, but also in the dark. This very issue is solved with the help of lighting. We placed the lights in such a way that each area was provided with the necessary amount of light and was also part of the design. Minimalist street lamps are located near the paths, on the terrace - lamps in the shape of a ball. Along the edges of the terrace and on the steps, there is an ice-light, which will be incredible to appear at dusk.

The landscape design project consists not only of the part that is directly the design of the environment, but also of the technical part. On the site, a scheme for the arrangement of storm sewers, a scheme for irrigation of the site, and the arrangement of relief and slopes for natural water drainage have been developed. A fence project was created separately: the fence is made of architectural concrete and metal panels with horizontal stripes.


Plot area: 0,12 Ha

Area of landscape design: 0,10 Ha

Year of design: 2022

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