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Following The object was designed by us

Architectural project for the reconstruction of an individual house located in a small village near Lviv

A small one-storey house with three rooms, a basement and an attic was located on the site. The main task in designing the house was the maximum preservation of the outer walls and foundations of the existing building. Therefore, the architects decided to dismantle all the interior walls and one exterior, placing the kitchen-living room in the resulting space and leaving a hatch in the basement in the kitchen. The designed part of the house is attached and added to the existing one.

On the ground floor there is a large hall, kitchen-living room, wardrobe, bathroom and a small office. Also on the ground floor is a garage with a boiler room, which is connected to the house through a wardrobe.

The kitchen-living room has access to a large terrace overlooking the garden. An important wish of the customer was to design a terrace with the possibility of accommodating a large number of guests and create a dining area there. There is also a brick barbecue on the terrace.

The second floor is completely residential. There are two spacious bedrooms, one of which is the master bedroom with its own large balcony. There is also a small bedroom that can be used in the future as a children's or guest room, a wardrobe, and a large bathroom with a bathtub and two washbasins. From the corridor of the second floor there is an exit to the attic.

The architecture of the house is close to traditional with the use of modern techniques and forms. A four-pitched roof is arranged over the main part of the building. The part of the roof above the garage is also sloping and extends over the entrance area. Thanks to this architectural solution, this area is isolated from the rain, and we managed to form a cozy entrance to the house.

The main design idea was to harmoniously fit the building into the environment. Therefore, several types of materials are used to decorate the house, white and black plaster, which combines well and emphasizes the shape of the building in contrast. Natural wood and stone best fit the environment and make the house look harmonious in color and texture.

Customers are very satisfied with the architectural project. In the process, we managed to take into account all their wishes and get a beautiful, functional and ergonomic design of the mansion.

Sometimes it is not enough to make major repairs to the room for convenience and cozy comfort. We want every detail to be tailored to personal requirements and expectations. After all, now the trend is gaining popularity, which is based on customer needs in violation of outdated standards.

Most often we are talking about old houses. They no longer meet the "challenges" that modernity poses today. Communications, planning of various systems, distribution of the area - all this was designed under the general option. There was a feeling that such houses are called "roof over your head". But coziness, comfort and practicality are almost gone. Often people ignore the rules and try to reschedule on their own, without permission.

Because it is waiting for those who want to redevelop their homes.

What is home remodeling?

Of course, redevelopment of ready-made housing is more difficult than building something from scratch. In this case, a serious approach is required at each stage: both planning and design. What does each of the steps to redevelop housing include:

  • The load-bearing structures of the building will be replaced;
  • Renovation of the external facade, roof, etc .;
  • Layout of new geometric shapes of the house;
  • Modification of certain types of structures or their separate elements;
  • Practical stage: planning of premises that will correspond to their new purpose;
  • Inspection of engineering networks. If the need arises, their reconstruction or complete replacement;
  • Agree with state-owned enterprises on all necessary nuances regarding electricity, water supply and heat supply.

Reconstruction often consists of capital redevelopment. This may be the expansion of some rooms or even all, the design of various outbuildings, new floors may be completed or the foundation may be redesigned altogether. Therefore, attention and scrupulous attitude to every detail will not be superfluous.

What you need for redevelopment:

  1. Think about and make a plan for the future project.
  2. Choose the necessary materials.
  3. Get to know the leading companies that will help you with this. Carefully approach the choice of specialists who will work on your home.
  4. Be sure to coordinate all the necessary nuances with the technical services, companies that are responsible for communications in your home.

How to start redevelopment of the house

When the main goal and plans for the future reconstruction are drawn up, the drawing up of the project itself begins. Here you need to consider both the desired result and the estimate in which it can be obtained. Therefore, every detail and position in further work is discussed with the client.

The estimate will be useful not only to the contractor, but also to the customer. The contractor plans the stages of the work, prescribes the necessary materials. From this document you can find a general picture of costs and future results.

Thanks to the prescribed costs, you can adjust the work: take away unnecessary nuances, add new details. This will help avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, as well as add more transparency in the relationship.

How to start redevelopment of the house

Choose only qualified professionals

More interior design you can look in our portfolio or here.


Total area: 160 м²

Number of living rooms: 3

Number of bathrooms: 2

Year of design: 2020

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