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Following The object was designed by us

Reconstruction of the house is an opportunity to significantly improve operating conditions and make the existing building as habitable as possible. Sometimes it is not only redevelopment of a private house and expansion of the total area, as well as superstructure, change of roof, facade, structures. In order to reconstruction of a residential building was conducted legally, you need to collect a certain package of necessary documents. Also, after the works are completed, the object needs to be put into operation.

How is the reconstruction of the house

  • Permission to redevelopment of the house received from the relevant authority on the basis of the construction plan, description of future works, technical inspection report.
  • Reconstruction of a private residential building begins with the competent development of the project. This is important if the replacement of heating, water supply, and gas communications is planned during the works. The project, developed by specialists, will show all stages of arranging the sound insulation and waterproofing of the building.
  • Also, the project contains a description of each change in the load-bearing structures, if the owner of the house planned to dismantle walls or partitions, change the attic or attic space.

When it is planned reconstruction of a private house, it is beneficial to cooperate with professionals and order a convenient turnkey service. They will take into account the features of the object and will be able to perform complex works of any complexity. Specialists will present building reconstruction projects based on deep knowledge of technologies and experience working with materials. It is also careful consideration of sanitary and fire regulations, significant cost minimization, creation of functional, aesthetic facade solutions.