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Following The object was designed by us

Our new townhouse project on Pymonenko Street in Lviv.

According to the geographical location, the city of Lviv is in the sixth climatic zone of Europe. These include countries such as Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Finland and Norway.

Having researched the architectural solutions of these countries, we have chosen the best options that would fit harmoniously into the environment of an ancient and at the same time modern city. Also, developing our townhouse project, we sought to achieve a non-standard look with simple architectural solutions that would look diverse when cloned and, at the same time, would create the feeling of a single architectural ensemble.

The convenient location of our project in the structure of the city allows you to quickly find yourself in the place you need, and the developed infrastructure is able to provide the most comfortable living conditions.

For the most optimal solution in construction, we chose the construction of precast concrete. This technology is very common in European countries of our climate zone, however, new in Ukraine. Its use accelerates the speed of construction almost 5 times in comparison with the classically accepted frame-monolithic construction and brick construction.

All walls are made of reinforced concrete on modern Italian equipment, which allows to ensure high accuracy and geometric evenness of the structure. Specially designed brands of concrete and structural units provide maximum structural stability even in the event of an earthquake.

The floor is made of modern hollow panels, which are completely different from the usual Soviet ones. Thanks to the modern equipment they are absolutely equal that in a complex with concrete walls provides ideal equality of installation, without cracks and backlashes.

Insulation of houses is designed to be made of expanded polystyrene with a thickness of 150 mm, which will provide a high level of heat transfer resistance even in comparison with brick houses.

Townhouse project - features:


When designing our townhouse project, we chose Minimalism as the main style. This solution is due to the fact that it is convenient and functional, perfect for combining architecture and environment and does not conflict with neighboring buildings.


Simple, rectangular shapes of a minimalist house create a balanced environment and, at the same time, are very practical because they reduce the number of cold bridges.


There are 3 blocked houses in the building. We are aware that each person has individual needs and desires, and therefore it is important that the townhouses we offer differ from each other and are not clones, combining several options for planning and architectural solutions.

Facade textures

The most practical material for the facade is clinker. It is durable, aesthetic and with its help any shape can be made interesting. It is also important that the decoration of the facade with quality materials is a guarantee of long-term operation of the house without repair.

Windows and doors

All houses have panoramic windows. First of all, they give a lot of lighting and, last but not least, visually enlarge the room. Modern entrance doors not only give the houses a modern look but also reliably protect the owners and their property from any attempts to penetrate.


To save usable space and provide convenience complete with functionality in all buildings, we have designed a escalator.

Roof garden

Within the modern city, mostly, the space around the houses is not very large and can be seen from neighboring houses, so as a compromise solution we chose to turn a flat roof into a garden, which provides comfort and gives owners much-needed personal space.

Children's space

The building provides a full children's space, which will allow parents not to worry about where kids and older children will spend their free time.

External stairs

For access to the roof, we have provided an external spiral staircase, which takes up little space and adds interesting notes to the overall aesthetics of the house.


As a means of limiting the territory, we planned a low fence made of wooden rails. Such a fence will be invisible in the environment, and due to its small height, will visually expand the surrounding space.

Important is the fact that in the project we also provide for the possibility of making turnkey houses, ie with the implementation of all internal works as well.

In this project, we tried to apply the latest trends in interior design styles, combining them with the functional use of space and interior elements.

In our designs we use only natural colors, which does not allow the interiors to quickly become obsolete and lose relevance.

The use of space above the stairs as a dressing room is envisaged - it is not only a practical but also a functional solution, which fully fits into our plans for economical and rational use of space in houses.

Each of the houses has a comfortable and spacious bathroom, as an integral part of any modern home. It is known that high-quality plumbing increases the comfort of living in the house.

Modern and practical children's rooms, offices, guest rooms and bedrooms - all this in our project.

All construction is divided into 3 stages.

We strive to satisfy the requirements of all, even the most demanding customers, because for us - the customer is our main partner.

You can see more of our interesting projects here


Building area: 0.103 Ha.

Total number of buildings: 12

Total area of all buildings: 1 286,91 м²

Superficiality: 2

Year of design: 2019

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