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Following The object was designed by us

Project of a house with a terrace and two-level planning

Our new work is a project of a house with a terrace for one family. The house is located on an elongated, narrow section of rectangular shape with a descending relief.

First of all, in our work we decided to use the interesting location of the house, placing it on top of a hill and organizing the first floor in two levels. Thus, increasing the height of the ceilings, we were able to visually expand the space in the planes of the kitchen and living room. In a complex with large windows and access to the terrace adjacent to a large garden, we have achieved the effect of unity with nature, turning the lack of land into an advantage.

In the basement, at the request of the client, we have a training and lounge area.

On the ground floor we have a garage for one car, a small dressing room, office, bathroom and a large living room and kitchen-idol, which have already been mentioned before.

The second floor is occupied by three bedrooms (two of which are used as children's), dressing room and bathroom. From one of the bedrooms there is an exit to a large balcony, oriented like the terrace of the first floor towards the garden.

In general, the project turned out to be calm and balanced, both in terms of space and design, fully obeying the general concept of harmony and unity with nature.

The project was carried out by experienced architects and design engineers and with the help of modern professional programs for calculation and design using 3D-modeling and 3D-visualization. This allows you to eliminate the maximum number of problems during construction and ensure maximum safety for people who will live in such a house. The house meets all modern requirements and norms, because the Client is our main partner.

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Year of design: 2019

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