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Following The object was designed by us

Design of an apartment for rent in the central part of Lviv

Meet another of our apartment projects for rent, developed in a historic building in Lviv. The project combines, as is usual for us, the old and the modern, restored and, on the contrary, the imitation of the old, but everything is decided not in "boring" gray tones, but on the contrary - in bright and warm ones.

When designing any interior, the main core of the design is its functionality, and its derivative is the decor. Therefore, here you should pay attention to the availability of all necessary areas for comfortable living, as well as to the convenient and ergonomic arrangement of furniture and equipment.

The bedroom-living room is visually divided into zones, but you can watch your favorite movies both from the bed and from the sofa. The kitchen has all the appliances, including a boiler, fridge, washing machine and dishwasher, and there is still plenty of storage space. The spacious and bright dining area, if necessary, can accommodate a large number of guests. A small vestibule will be visually expanded due to a roomy wardrobe with mirror facades.

As for the style and decor, here the designers tried to preserve the sense of historical importance of the apartment, without burdening it with traditional style, but on the contrary - added modern geometric shapes, warm tones and bright accents. They opened part of the brickwork in the bedroom area, visually added even more height to the room due to vertical wooden panels. Also, during the design, the designers provided welcoming photo wallpapers in the interior - in the form of a map of Lviv - for tourists and guests of the city, which will be a pleasant bonus.

Lviv is an atmospheric city with a special history and architecture. Therefore, for many people, it is a big dream to live in the central part of the city, which conveys its spirit as much as possible. We focused on such people when creating the design of an apartment for rent in the very center of Lviv.

The apartment is in an Austrian building, the ceiling is almost 4 m. The most interesting fact turned out to be that this is one of the first buildings in which bathrooms began to be built inside, and not outside on the balcony. Therefore, accordingly, there was only a place for the toilet. During the work on the layout, a part of the kitchen was provided to enlarge the bathroom in order to be able to place a shower cabin there. But in fact, this is the easiest task that had to be solved. In close cooperation with our designers, we were able to strengthen the floor covering and all the walls, due to the fact that the house is in an emergency situation.

In order for the historicity of the apartment to be felt not only through the view from the windows, but also inside, our designers suggested cleaning one wall to the brick, painting it and leaving it in that state. In the living room, behind the sofa, there is designer wallpaper with a world map, which looks ancient due to its yellowness. Interior doors are the same ones that were before the repair, restored and varnished. Textured tiles in the bathroom with an interesting ornament that perfectly fit into the style of the apartment. Lots of wood to create a sense of coziness. Separately, these are all the details that, combined, created an unsurpassed design of an old apartment, giving it a second life.

There are no overwhelming tasks for us! Our team is able to give new life to even such apartments!

More interior design you can look in our portfolio or here.


Total area: 40,9 м²

Design area: 40,9 м²

Number of living rooms: 1

Number of bathrooms: 1

Year of design: 2021

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