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Following The object was designed by us

We present a photo of the implemented interior design of a two-level apartment in Lviv. In the process of repair, we made some adjustments to achieve an even better result, as well as to make the interior even more "flexible" for further changes.

When designing, we used only natural shades, materials and textures, without clearly defined accents, so that with the change of fashion trends, customers could easily change and complement their home - this is our creative "trick", which we sometimes use to make a design interior more long-lasting, universal and durable.

During the renovation, at the request of the customers, the loggia was glazed, and this took away a large part of the natural light, so we decided to abandon the completely "wooden" kitchen, and instead made the upper cabinets white, and the lower ones, as an addition to the pencil cases, dark.

Also, including the areas of the stairs and the corridor, a column was decorated with decorative plaster next to the dining area - all this was done to make the space of the apartment even more practical.

In general, we managed to preserve the minimalist concept of the project and create a complete, harmonious atmosphere of the apartment.

And now the most interesting thing is what happened! To compare visualizations with implementation, follow the link:

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