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Following The object was designed by us

Loft style cottage design

Loft-style cottage design is a new project from Constructive. The atmosphere of freedom, youth, rejection of pomp and adornment - all this Loft, perhaps the least expensive to create, a little rebellious and bohemian style, whose name, "Loft" - translates as "Attic", which accurately conveys his mood. This trend emerged in the mid-twentieth century in the United States, when due to rising land prices in New York, the owners of factories were forced to move production to the suburbs. The premises vacated by warehouses, shops and factories began to be inhabited by bohemians, and later by ordinary people.

Features of LOFT style in an interior

  • Finishing is rough or absent at all. Brick walls, concrete with traces of formwork, painted walls, rough, plastered in places;
  • Structural elements and engineering communications, such as beams, metal columns, trusses, ventilation pipes, water pipes and sewers are not hidden, but on the contrary serve as a kind of expressive means;
  • Decorative elements are non-standard curiosities that should entertain guests and attract attention: road signs, hammocks, swings, unusual lamps and modern sculptures;
  • Rough furniture that evokes associations with production and the workshop, worn old furniture of simple shapes will also be very appropriate here;
  • In the design of a one-room apartment in the Loft style, free planning is most often used - here the usual partitions are abandoned, the room is divided into zones with the help of screens, furniture or colored partitions. Thanks to this, the room looks more spacious;
  • The windows are large, often stained glass, sometimes they resemble factory ones.

Colors, finishes, furniture and decor used in the Loft style

Colors. Loft-style interiors usually use dull, faded, rough, factory colors. White, black, shades of gray and brown often evoke an association with production, structure.

Finishing walls, ceilings and floors. The interior of the style uses brick, not plastered or partially plastered. Rough concrete with traces of formwork or smooth concrete with specific stains and stains. Old, erased, unpainted wooden floors. In general, the interior should look a bit sloppy, unfinished, with traces of operation. According to this style, we must find beauty in the features of a dilapidated, maybe even abandoned building, which breathed new life, uncovered structures that often hang from the ceiling.

Furniture and decor should be a bit rough and rough. No frills, lace or classic sophistication. If it looks like it was bought at the next junk sale or made of improvised materials - this is what you need. But the new minimalist furniture is also suitable for this style, if they are sufficiently restrained and decorated in the appropriate color scheme. You also need to devote enough time to the details of the interior when designing in a loft style. Here, various old and new things are often bizarrely combined, each of which has its own style, but they are all selected in the same spirit and combined in color.

Free space. You can recreate the spirit of the loft in any apartment or house, whatever the layout, but one of these features is the most spacious planning and a minimum of partitions.

We also used these principles when developing a Loft-style cottage design for the Client.

If the question "Who could design a Loft-style cottage?" Keeps you awake, we will help you solve this problem, because the Client is our main partner.

You can see a more interesting design here and here


Year of design: 2018

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