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Following The object was designed by us

Increasingly, in Lviv you can find residential complexes with good architecture and adjacent territory. In one of these our clients chose for life, namely in ZhK Huge in Lviv.

Here we did not have to make significant changes in the planning of the apartment, but only the most efficient and ergonomic use of space.

In the entrance area there is a closet for outerwear, hangers and a place where you can sit comfortably, change shoes. There are also two separate shoe cabinets with a convenient shelf for keys, phones or other devices. Behind the wall we have a pantry with a washing machine and dryer, and it is also a place where equipment shields will be hidden.

The kitchen space is delimited by a group of capacious cases. Due to such "barriers" the apartment becomes more spacious and visually interesting. Here, in addition to standard appliances, we hid a group of filtration systems and collectors for underfloor heating. The bar is portable, for example, to the window, where you can enjoy the panorama of Lviv. In general, the open space is not fixed by any decorative elements. If necessary, you can easily change the location of furniture in the living room.

The children's room is provided "with the function of a brother or sister in the future :), without intrusive colors or objects.
The master bedroom is made in the usual style with an open monolithic ceiling and a monolithic wall at the head of the bed. The bathroom is also used to the maximum in the filling. The hinged curbstone with a mirror, a curbstone under a concrete wash basin with drawers, also above installation there is a hidden place for storage are designed.

The electrification of the apartment can be singled out, where we thought in detail about laying wires to all sockets and lamps, because the main wish of customers was to leave the monolithic ceilings open. What, in our opinion, we coped with 🙂

More interior design you can look in our portfolio or here.


Total area: 69 м²

Design area: 69 м²

Number of living rooms: 2

Number of bathrooms: 1

Year of design: 2021

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