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Following The object was designed by us

Country house design project in the style of minimalism.

In general, the standard project of home design in the style of minimalism can be described in one word - moderation. This applies to a small number of details, objects and decors, as well as a certain limitation of the palette of colors and tones. Usually, mainly due to ignorance, consumers in the interior associate this style with a certain asceticism or even financial problems, although, we hasten to assure you - this is not the case. This style is ideal for people who love free space, clear organization and functionality.

The main characteristics of the style of minimalism are classically considered:

Free area. Design in a minimalist style requires as much of it as possible. The effect of openness is often achieved by dismantling partitions, abandoning interior doors, enlarging windows and creating specific, multi-source lighting, especially in two-story open-plan apartments.

Symmetrical, clear and proportional lines. This principle applies, first of all, to furniture - here mainly models of the correct form which differ in capacity and functionality are used. Although there are cases when they prefer furniture of asymmetrical shapes. Only one rule remains the same - place them so that they occupy as little space as possible.

Carefully thought-out lighting of premises.

Color palette in which no more than three color options are used. Most often, when designing a house, white, gray, black, beige and silver are used - in any combination - with frequent additions of one bright color accent, which can be green, yellow or red.

Minimalism, despite its fairly solid history, remains consistently popular in interiors. Its popularity in modern conditions is due primarily to the fact that there are always people who prefer a simple and functional environment. Especially in the fast pace of the modern big city, overloaded with buildings, advertising and constant chaos and fuss.

Only when you come home can you finally feel free and take a break from annoying small details. The calm and comfort of minimalism helps to relax, get a good night's sleep and gain strength. Classic minimalism in the interior will appeal to those who can not stand the mess. This style is the best solution for perfectionists. .

House design project - vintage loft

When developing this house design project, we did not limit ourselves to minimalist motives. In order to enliven the space and add a bright accent to it, we also used elements of the Loft style, the slogan of which can be tacitly formulated by the following rule - "minimum of partitions and maximum of fresh air". By itself, the word "loft" translates from English as "attic" or "apartment upstairs." The basis of the style of the rooms made in the loft style consists of the actual details: the furniture is as simple and functional, the colors are mostly cool shades, the complete lack of decor, which is quite well combined with the rules of minimalist design. Loft style is an ideal choice for those who value light and space in their apartment the most.

A feature of the loft are all sorts of non-standard accessories: graffiti, posters, abstractions. So with us - the key focus was preserved uncoated brick wall, which contrasts sharply with the rest of the interior, giving the room additional visual and textural content

If the question "Who to turn to for the development of an interesting and original design?" Does not allow you to sleep peacefully, we will help you solve this problem.

You can see a more interesting design here and here


Total area: 173 м²

Design area: 114 м²

Number of living rooms: 3

Number of bathrooms: 2

Year of design: 2020

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