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Following The object was designed by us

Design of a modern Scandinavian house

Our new project is the design of a modern Scandinavian house. The Scandinavian style in the interior first began to take shape during the reign of Swedish King Gustav III in the eighteenth century. Until now, residents of northern Europe have built houses, copying the fashion trends of France, Italy and England. Baroque, Rococo and Classicism then prevailed in these countries. When the Scandinavians arranged their homes, they added northern notes to the situation. A new round in the development of scandals took place in the 80s of the XIX century. Designers began to give the style more modern features. And at the same time they were guided by the desire to make the situation more functional and concise. In the 1930s, international exhibitions took place, where Scandinavian designers presented their interiors, which harmoniously combined practicality and aesthetic appeal. 20 years later, this style conquered America, and with it the whole world.

The interior of the house in the Scandinavian style embodies practicality, naturalness, restraint and even some coldness. They can also see a special love for nature, which is typical for the inhabitants of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The main principle of this direction - in the first place the comfort of the hosts, not the show in front of guests.

You can see a more interesting design here and here


Total area: 168,89 м²

Design area: 134,24 м²

Number of living rooms: 3

Number of bathrooms: 2

Year of design: 2018

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