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Following The object was designed by us

Interior design of the apartment in neoclassical style.

Our new project is the design of an apartment in neoclassical style. Neoclassicism in the interior is a universal combination of respectability, nobility, elegance and pragmatism with modern materials and relevant design ideas. This style is an interpretation of classical traditions in the design of living space in a modern way. Because neoclassicism retains the characteristic aristocracy and nobility of the classics.

This style will appeal to conservatives with a flexible approach to the design of their home. Thanks to the ability to absorb relevant design ideas and adapt to modern materials, neoclassical interior design is becoming increasingly popular not only among designers but also among amateurs, homeowners and apartment owners who want to decorate their homes on their own, inspired by interesting design projects.

The main principles of interior design in the neoclassical style:

Rich decoration. Neoclassicism in the interior of the room always looks neat and expensive, it is decorated with exquisite accessories, beautiful furniture, quality materials and decor;

Natural color scheme. Neoclassicism is characterized by a natural palette, harmonious combinations and the absence of bright, contrasting accents;

Spacious and concise atmosphere. When decorating the interior, you should strive to create a spacious, symmetrical, strict, but at the same time comfortable environment;

Symmetry and order. This rule applies to furniture and decorative elements, symmetry and correct proportions - an important stylistic aspect;

Natural motives. Almost always in the neoclassical interior there is a floral pattern or ornament. It is found in textiles, on curtains, carpets, upholstery, as well as in the decor, somewhat softening the austerity characteristic of this style.

To decorate the interior in the neoclassical style requires quality finishing materials. When decorating the walls are used: plaster, decorative panels of wood or glass (mirror), wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern. The design uses not only classic methods and materials, but also modern, trendy. The main thing is that the result was impeccable, consistent with the style and harmoniously fit into the overall design. Ceilings can be white, stretch, coffered, flat or multilevel. Joints between the walls and the ceiling are often "hidden" behind plaster or wooden carved cornices.

For floor decoration are used: ceramic tiles, parquet board, parquet (laminate, as an economy option) or self-leveling floors (monotonous, marble or with an unobtrusive pattern).

Colors used in the interior design of the apartment in the neoclassical style. It is characterized by a nuanced composition. Light ceiling, walls are a little darker and the floor is the darkest. The basic colors are: white, gray and its shades: beige, pearl, sand, cream, unsaturated green, blue, brown. Also used as additional colors in the decor, accessories, furniture upholstery and textile design: unsaturated blue and indigo, muted burgundy, turquoise, gold, bronze, black.

In this project, the client wanted to increase the kitchen. We managed to achieve this by connecting the loggia to the living space. Yes, in this apartment the kitchen has turned into a studio.

If the question "Who to turn to for the development of an interesting and original design?" Does not allow you to sleep peacefully, we will help you solve this problem, because the Client is our main partner.
You can see a more interesting design here


Total area: 53 м²

Design area: 53 м²

Number of living rooms: 2

Number of bathrooms: 1

Year of design: 2018

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