Color design, decor elements, room layout, lighting and furniture are all elements of restaurant design. Correctly selected furniture, decor elements, colors and a unified style are the key to the success of the room. That is why the competent design of cafes and restaurants is the main task that arises immediately after the idea of starting this business.
Let's analyze the main directions of styles in design, in which everything is limited only by fantasy and subordinated to one idea.
1. Classic style. It is strictness and naturalness, and, at the same time, maximum simplicity and comfort.
2. Rococo style. Most of the decoration is devoted to precious and exquisite things.
3. Art deco style. Provides a sophisticated and light decor.
4. Minimalism. This is a style of simple color solutions with perfect proportions. It is suitable for fast food restaurants and inexpensive cafes.
5. Hi-tech. Chrome pipes, natural wood furniture and its extravagant forms reflect this style.
The color in which the interior design of the cafe is made is very important, because it affects the visitor in a certain way. It should be remembered that color creates a mood and a sense of comfort. What colors to use?
Unobtrusive red color in the interior of the restaurant will raise the mood of the visitor.
The yellow color will calm you down and make you think about the eternal.
The general picture in the design of the cafe will be harmoniously complemented by white, brown and green colors.
There are typical cafes where people come with a specific purpose. For example: Viennese coffee house, cafe-bakery, cafe-buffet, cafe teahouse (no alcoholic beverages) and cafe schanigarten (summer terrace or small veranda).