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Following The object was designed by us

Store design project st. Scientific, Lviv

While designing the Lobster Beer & Wine store, we decided to focus on the loft style. The name of this term was given by an English word, which means attic, attic, gallery, upper floor of a warehouse or factory building. And indeed, at first glance, this interior resembles a shop or workshop. But a little closer, you can see and appreciate the original style and bold taste of its owners.

The origins of the loft should be traced to the 40s of last century in New York. Due to sky-high land rental prices in Manhattan, industrial facilities had to relocate production to the suburbs. And buildings that were now sold for pennies began to be used by New York bohemians. Artists not only held exhibitions here, but also lived there. The stormy imagination of the artists turned the ex-factories into bright masterpieces. A queue of rich people lined up to the original apartments, willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars for them. Later, the loft fashion came to the Old World. A feature of style is a harmonious combination of architectural solutions. Loft allows you to combine, at first glance, incompatible things. That is why modern youth adores this style.

For the past few years, Loft has firmly held the palm of supremacy in the design of cafes and bars. Brick, metal and wood in the interior design, like a magnet attract customers. Therefore, in these institutions there is a pleasant problem for the owners of an extra table. The main idea of the project was to make the premises so that any passer-by wanted to enter the Lobster. Potential customers are struck by the neon sign of the institution and the image of the lobster himself, who seems to invite everyone to spend a few tens of minutes in his company. It is also worth noting the excellent location of the wine rack. In developing this store design project, we used natural wood in combination with black. As practice shows, this "cocktail" in the interior can not leave anyone indifferent.

If you are worried about the question "Who could do a store design project for us?" - we will be happy to help you solve it, because for us the Client is our main partner.

More interesting design in the style of loft and industrial can be seen here and here


Total area: 21 м²

Design area: 21 м²

Number of rooms: 2 (hall and utility room)

Year of design: 2017

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