Interior design of a single-family house in the village of Dashava

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Interior design project of a single-family house in the village of Zubrytsky apiaries

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Design of a one-room apartment for rent in Lviv

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Following The object was designed by us
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Design of houses

Why do you need the services of an architect in Lviv? You can design a house yourself. Or use the services of a designer who will draw a plan and tell you how to best arrange the furniture...

Of course, you can, if you want to build an ordinary house. To have a roof, walls, doors and windows in the cherry orchard.

Another thing - if you plan to build a house with architectural value. Not like all the others, with interesting design elements. A house that passers-by will look at. What will you be proud of. Then you need architectural design.

Architect, designer… What's the difference?

The main difference is that the work of the architectural office is larger. While working on the design, the architect can even change the design of houses: space planning, placement of doors, appliances, lighting and more.

What are the services of an architect in Lviv

The company "Constructive" designs not only walls. We analyze the lifestyle of each family member. Even more - we predict how they will live in ten years. That as a result the client received space where everyone is comfortable. Functional, ready for change, a house that seems to be from the future.

And more specifically?

Let's talk about an example. We had a project for the reconstruction of a one-story house in Lviv. The customer wanted to improve living conditions and increase living space.

First, our team studied all the wishes and took into account urban planning regulations. It was decided to complete two more floors. The building was decorated with a contrasting modern facade.

The result - pleased us and, most importantly, customers. On the ground floor we placed a hall with stairs, a bathroom, a kitchen and a living room. There is even a place to store things. On the second floor - two bedrooms with a bathroom, and on the third - a guest room or study - as the owners decide.

In addition, we have designed many places in the house where you can store dear things. Used rationally every meter.

Among our favorite projects:

  • designing a house with a terrace and a garage on the ground floor;
  • townhouse in the old part of Lviv;
  • multi-storey building in Lviv;
  • conceptual design over a precipice in the mountains;
  • a modern house in the suburbs with a cantilever ledge on the main facade and many others.

We thank each partner-client for the opportunity to design cottages in different parts of Ukraine.

Why should we be trusted?

Keep a very simple analogy. Imagine that you are ill and see a doctor. He listened to the complaints, reviewed the tests and suggested treatment: take round white tablets twice a day for a week and yellow oblong tablets once a day for three days. If you have already come to the doctor, you obviously trust him. So, most likely, you will not take red pills instead of white ones and will not drink yellow pills for seven days instead of three.

Architects are the same specialists. Our professional opinion is also very important for the comfort of your life. We have designed hundreds of houses that we are proud of and ready to talk about for hours. We need to be trusted if you are planning to build a dream home.

How to start cooperation?

Order a home design service online. Write to us by e-mail or call: +38 (097) 537 20 67, +38 (063) 231 19 93.

After we consider the application, we will come to the measurements, calculate the cost and make a commercial offer. If everything is ok, we will sign a contract and start cooperation. We will work with you until the full implementation of the object.

Apartment design | One-room apartment | Double-room flat | Two-level apartment | Studio apartment | House design | Country house | Designing a multi-storey building | Deconstructivism | Contemporaries | Loft | Minimalism | Scandinavian style | Reconstruction | Cafe design | Dentistry design